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The French Riviera is a sought-after destination for some English speaking people in search of a gentle climate. It is also an attractive place for film crews from all over, where I’m privileged to live and work (after 30 plus years in Canada.) If you happen to encounter some difficulties with the French Riviera location or at times, find negotiating in French a.k.a. La Langue De Molière, challenging for yourself or your people, do not worry anymore! I am here to assist! I am a French born who has lived in English-speaking environment for over two decades and have collaborated with major U.K., U.S. and Australian production companies (all references on request.)


NUMBER: (+33) 6 46 87 16 00  MAIL: explore(at)patricehalley.com 


Whether you are planning a shoot in Nice, Monaco or Marseille,  in the remote backcountry of Provence or elsewhere in France, I can proudly act as your local bilingual asset to offer my support and help you with the successful completion of your film & video project. I can provide the following services: Filming, scouting,equipment rental (film and grip,) assisting (camera or assistant director,) data wrangling, legal permits, crewing & casting, transportation/housing, runner, catering services.


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